After three years of assembly and test, have provided the 60 wrecker parts all successful installation, customers have already been put into use, good operation, in order to regulate the development of West Africa wrecker market, to 2015 September 8, Cheng Li group international affairs department and West African Leo DiCaprio company reached for 100 sets of wrecker jacket parts five years supply contract (contract delivery there is no limit to the number). Leo DiCaprio company in the local has formed covers an area of 500 acres of special vehicle production plant, using the chassis of the nearby country of Europe, wrecker installed spare parts provided by Chengli group company, the pre production of specific wrecker. Products include light card a drag two wrecker, drag one wrecker, Leo DiCaprio heavy truck towing with the wrecker, took off his separation wrecker, crane flat wrecker. West Africa including Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Mauritania, Wa Noukeu Short, Abidjan and other countries, market potential is very great. The two phase is expected to extend to the crane transport spare parts supply.
程力专用汽车股份有限公司先后被随州市政府评为“先进单位”、“外贸先进单位”“工业八强企业”、2010年市政府评为“贡献突出企业”,湖北省国税局“全省国税百佳纳税人”,湖北省“高新技术企业”,湖北省“守合同重信用”企业等荣誉称号;公司“程力威”商标荣获湖北名牌,中国驰名商标。公司网址 24小时联系电话:15172771049